Thursday, November 17, 2011


When Dr. Kyburz gave the class the article "Toys for Saps" and told us to write an Rhetorical analysis on it, I slowly cringed in my seat and thought "oh no.'' Instruction after instruction, so many steps and actually having to work, what was I to do. I turned to my usual habits of putting it off til the very last second. As time grew closer to the due date I started to ponder the thought of actually starting the project. I browsed through the blog spot and viewed the RAD samples, come to find out I started to fill each column out myself and low and behold I pretty much had my entire paper written out. The part I tended to most struggle with was my vocabulary, I'm very plain when it comes to verbs so trying to use INTERESTING, UNIQUE words, I was a lost cause. I learned that writing isn't as hard as I tend to make it, I WAY over think things and make them more complicated then needed too.